Sabine Lemire: "An illustrator’s interpretation puts a whole new spin on your words"

What moves a children’s book author? And how does she perceive Danish children's ability to tap into their imaginations? Read along as Sabine Lemire shares her thoughts.

By Sabine Lemire, as told to Karoline Markholst and translated by Hazel Evans

Sabine Lemire on Danish childhood

“I’m happy that children in Denmark grow up in great safety, which gives them the space to be both private and free. I think it’s important for children to experience things without adults around. That’s where imagination really comes into play.

Even though these days we can track our children everywhere via our devices, we should let them go out and experience the world with friends by themselves.

I love writing about the great freedom children have in Denmark. In my books, the children are in many ways on equal footing with the adults, and I’m always on their side with my words.”


Sabine Lemire on readers’ reactions

“The most amazing experience I’ve had with readers was in Germany. Illustrator Rasmus Bregnhøi and I were visiting various schools to talk about making comic books. We visited one class where the students had written a rap about Mira, which the entire class performed after we finished our talk.

It was incredibly moving.”


Sabine Lemire on Mira's strengths

“The scenes between Mira and her mum mean a lot to me. I love getting to be inside a mother and daughter at the same time. I have a clear memory of how I saw my parents when I was a teenager. Today I have four children of my own and I can see things from the other side too.

Both perspectives are fun to describe.

To me, Mira is a strong girl. She’s a creative soul with a strong sense of justice. She’s good at standing up for herself and others. I wanted to depict a girl who is somewhat physically reserved but possesses great inner strength. Not being the loudest doesn’t make you any less strong.

So Mira became a quiet but strong girl.”


Sabine Lemire on working with illustrators

“I love that many of my books are illustrated. Writing a story that also has a visual life is amazing. Just when you think you’ve pictured it all as you wrote it, an illustrator’s interpretation puts a whole new spin on your words.

I really enjoy working with the same illustrator again and again – over time we develop a shared language and understanding of each others’ way of telling stories.

I collaborate with Rasmus Bregnhøi, Signe Kjær, Rasmus Meisler, Kenz Koudahl and Anders Frang, who all inspire me in different ways.” 

Photo: Simon Klein-Knudsen


Sabine Lemire (1974) graduated as a dramatist in 2021. She debuted as an author in 2010 and has since published over 70 books. Her works span a wide range of genres, the most recent being the ninth volume of the ‘Mira’ series, about the life of teenage Mira – her friends, parents, boys and school. The ‘Mira’ series is illustrated by Rasmus Bregnhøi and has been sold for publication in 13 countries. The ‘Mira’ series has won both the Orla Award and the Ping Prize multiple times.


Sabine Lemire’s author pages at Gyldendal Group Agency and Babelbridge Literary Agency