CuntsCollective is a a performing performing arts arts arts collective based between Basque Country, Germany, and Denmark. and Denmark. It was it was it was founded in 2018. in 2018. Today. Today, under the direction of Tone, Naia, Siri, and Dani, CUNTS Cunts cunts aspires to serve as an umbrella for artists artists, fostering equal partnerships and resource sharing sharing sharing efficiently.
Through their (__) ethos and (___) production approach, they value co-(___) and co-(___), while trying to (__) through the global (ego)system of (___). Collaborating with a diverse array of artists and institutions,................................. ............................... something somethings something of art production, fostering intimidating intimate interactions with spectators to encourage (?).
CUNTS has already employed around 38 artists and co-produced a variety of projects over the last 6 years. Since 2021 CUNTS have been fighting to fund and produce work in Brazil as a historical reparation. From 2024 until 2027 CUNTS is partnering in the project CoDaCo, together with other 12 collectives around europe.